Our latest newsletter is now available. Unfortunately it was not possible to produce a newsletter in 2022, but having skipped a year we are back for 2023.
Two new identification guides have been added to the website today, one covering the bee-flies in genus Villa, and the other for horseflies (or clegs) in genus Haematopota.
Head over to the Newsletters page to read the latest issue: includes rearing soldierflies from larvae; Pygmy Soldierfly laying eggs in tufa habitat; notable record highlights; species to l
The latest Soldierflies and Allies Recording Scheme newsletter is now available. It includes latest scheme news; getting started with soldierflies; finding larvae of the Pine Black soldierfly; Bee-fly Watch update (including the establishment of the Anthracite Bee-fly in Britain).
A new page on this website provides a summary list of all species record in all vice-counties. You can use the filter boxes to search for a particular species and see all the counties where it has been found, ot search for a county and see all the species recorded there.